Sustainable waste management

Learning more about waste management and sustainability.

There are lots of ways to improve sustainable waste management but they typically follow the waste hierarchy pattern of the 4 R’s of waste – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover. 


  • Avoid single-use straws, plates, cups and cutlery when catering.
  • Avoid wasting paper – use only what you really need.


  • Choose refillable items such as printer cartridges, glue, pens etc.
  • Reuse packaging materials such as cardboard boxes, bubble wrap etc.


  • Purchase recycled and low waste products. A detailed guide to recycled Products is available. See website: www. for more information
  • Recycling cansplastic and glass bottlespapercardboard, etc.


Recovery is the extraction of materials or energy from waste for further use or processing, including, but not limited to making materials into compost.

Learn more about waste management and sustainability here.

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