Commercial Waste Services Knowledge Base
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Commercial Waste Services Knowledge Base
Frequently asked questions
Items to dispose of
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Frequently asked questions
A list of the most commonly asked questions including what to do with bulky waste and how to order more bags.
Where is the waste and recycling that we collect processed?
Why was my rubbish not collected?
Sustainable waste management
Disinfection Service
Self-delivery to waste disposal sites
How do I submit a complaint about waste collection services?
Cancelling your waste collection
What is a waste audit and how do I book one?
Can we decide the collection time?
It does not appear our new collection arrangements have started, what do we do?
Can we dictate the pick up time?
How do I change my contact details?
Why did I get a fine (FPN) for leaving rubbish out?
Why don’t our business rates include waste collection?
What areas do we collect in?
What is a waste transfer note?
How long does it take until I receive the bags?
Why do I have to buy the commercial waste bags?
When will my rubbish be collected?
You pick up our waste but now we want to do recycling - how do we add that?
How do I complain about the behaviour of a driver or waste collector?
What do i do when new arrangements were due to start and haven't?
How do I get a quote for the collection of bins?
How do I know what services I need for an office?
Do you collect rubbish over Bank Holidays, Christmas and New Year?
Can I get some stickers for bins?
What size are your bins (containers)?
Do you offer recycling and waste treatment facility tours?
Where is food waste sent?
Where can I find your waste registration number?
Where to find SELCHP's environmental permit
Where to find Alperton WTS permit
Where to find Biogen's permit