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The new Simpler Recycling rules are set to launch in just six months, bringing significant changes to waste management practices. Under these rules your business must have a separate recycling service in place. It's crucial to start preparing now to ensure you can comply with the new regulations. By proactively adapting your waste management strategies, you'll not only meet legal requirements but also contribute to environmental sustainability. This shift presents an opportunity to review your current practices, educate staff, and potentially reduce costs associated with waste disposal in the long run.

At Commercial Waste Services, we offer expert guidance to boost your business's recycling rates. Our tailored solutions include our innovative flexi plastics recycling service, introduced three years ahead of government mandates. 

By partnering with us, we can help you identify areas where you can increase recycling, reduce plastic use, save money and boost your sustainability credentials. 

Our NEW Flexi-Plastics Collection

Starting March 31, 2027, all businesses will be required to recycle flexible plastics. With this legislation the government aims to reduce the environmental impact of these materials, and promote sustainability across industries. Flexible plastics include:

  • Plastic carrier bags 
  • Cling film 
  • Plastic seals 
  • Poly bags 
  • Bubble wrap
  • Pouches

Why wait? By starting now, you'll have plenty of time to get used to efficient recycling practices in your operations, positioning your business as an industry leader in environmental responsibility, and understanding where you can take steps to reduce your plastic use.

Conducting a free waste audit 

The first step in reducing plastic waste is to understand where it's coming from. We recommend booking one of our complimentary waste audits to identify the sources of plastic waste within your organisation. During the audit, our experts will:

  1. Identify all sources of plastic waste, including packaging, office supplies, and food service items.
  2. Analyse the types of plastic used and their potential for recycling or reuse. For example, a HDPE bottle can easily be collected in your mixed recycling service but larger plastic crates cannot.

By conducting a thorough waste audit, you'll gain valuable knowledge into your plastic consumption patterns, allowing you to make informed decisions about where to focus your reduction efforts.

Strategies for reducing plastic waste

Once you've figured out the sources of plastic waste, it's time to put into place strategies to reduce it. Here are some simple ways any business can reduce their plastic usage:

  1. Switch to reusable alternatives for packaging and food service items, such as glass containers, metal utensils, and cloth bags.
  2. Encourage the use of reusable water bottles and coffee mugs among employees and customers.
  3. Create a clear plastic reduction plan for your business
    1. Clearly label your recycling bins, placing them in strategic locations throughout your premises.
    2. Regularly monitor and evaluate what is being put into each bin, making adjustments as needed to improve your recycling rates.
    3. Partner with a reliable waste management company like us to guarantee that your plastic waste is locally recycled.

Involving employees and customers in your plastic reduction efforts is important for success. At Commercial Waste Services, we offer free recycling training for your employees, providing them with the knowledge and tools to make a positive impact. You could also consider offering incentives or rewards to encourage participation and foster a culture of sustainability within your organisation.

Case study: How Royal Automobile Club (RAC) benefited from plastic waste reduction strategy.

One of our clients, RAC, has experienced significant benefits from implementing our guided plastic waste reduction strategy. A standout change was the swapping out of disposable plastic film in their kitchen for reusable, eco-friendly materials. By switching to reusable alternatives and implementing a comprehensive recycling programme, RAC has achieved substantial cost savings, improved their brand reputation, and made a positive environmental impact.

Reducing plastic waste is not only an environmental imperative but also a smart business decision. By taking proactive steps to minimise your plastic consumption, you can contribute to a more sustainable future while potentially reducing operational costs and enhancing your brand reputation.

At Commercial Waste Services, we're committed to supporting businesses on their journey towards sustainability. Contact us today to book a free waste audit and explore other ways we can help you reduce your plastic waste footprint.

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