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Responsible recycling: How to dispose of your gas canisters safely

Commercial Waste Services Westminster
Commercial Waste Services Westminster

Transforming recycling practices in England: DEFRA's latest initiatives

UK businesses produce approximately 600 million aerosols every year. Made up from tin-plated steel and aluminium, up to 30,000 tonnes of recyclable metal could be generated each year through gas canister recycling alone. So, how can we help you safely recycle canisters?

Firstly, remove any lids, empty the canisters and be careful not to crush them. For safe disposal, you can easily book via our bulky waste collection service and we will handle the rest for you. 

Continue reading to discover the importance of correct canister disposal.


What are the dangers of incorrectly disposing of gas canisters?

Even when they appear empty, traces of gas in highly pressurised canisters can cause explosions.

Placing canisters in your general waste or mixed recycling increases the risk of our collection vehicles picking them up and these exploding at our facilities or even inside the vehicle. If mixed with flammable recycling, this can quickly become a fire hazard and lead to serious injury for our staff. Toxic gases contained in some canisters can also expose staff to harmful fumes. 

Since January 2023, we have had 25 explosions from gas canisters in our Energy Recovery Facilities (ERFs). These explosions can damage vehicles and machinery, causing equipment malfunction that can put operators in harm’s way and disrupt entire operations.


How to safely dispose of gas canisters in your business

Firstly, remove non-fixed parts, empty the canisters and be careful not to crush them.

The safest way you can dispose of canisters is via a hazardous waste collection. You can book this with ease through our bulky waste collection service where we process your canisters safely and securely at our dedicated facilities to comply with regulations and support your sustainability goals. Otherwise, the organisation that provided the gas canister will often arrange a collection to reuse materials.

We understand waste and recycling can be time-consuming. That’s why we offer reliable, cost effective services to take care of it for you.

Get in touch and let us take care of your waste and recycling to make Westminster a safer place to live and work.

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