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As Westminster’s leading commercial waste and resource managers, we understand the importance of proper waste management and safety practices. We all have a duty of care to our staff and our environment, which is why in this blog post, we'll share with you the top five waste safety hazards that businesses should avoid to maintain a safe and efficient operation. 

1. Hazardous Waste: Batteries, Gas Canisters, and Vapes

One of the biggest safety hazards in waste management is the improper disposal of hazardous materials, particularly batteries, gas canisters, and vapes. These items can cause fires, explosions, or release harmful chemicals into the environment. In fact, 48% of waste fires in the UK are caused by batteries. 

To reduce this risk, ensure that your staff are properly trained in identifying and segregating hazardous waste. Implement a clear system for collecting and storing these items separately from recycling and general rubbish, and arrange a specialised collection with us for these materials here. 

2. Glass in Bags: Keeping Staff Safe

Putting glass in regular general or recycling bags is a common but dangerous practice. Sharp edges can cause injuries not only to the staff handling the bags, but also to the crews collecting the waste. 

You can reduce this risk by implementing a separate glass collection using dedicated glass bins. This will  improve safety and boost your businesses recycling rates. 

3. Lifting Heavy Bags: Reducing the Load

54 of our operatives were absent last year due to back/neck related injuries. The physical nature of waste management can lead to injuries and strain. But you can look out for your employees and our collection crews by dividing your waste into lighter bags for collection. To make things even easier, we strongly recommend separate collections for food waste and glass. With around 30% of general waste made up of food waste and around 29% of other recyclable material, this is the best way to reduce the weight of your general waste bags. This simple change can lead to reduced injuries, happier staff, increased recycling rates for your business and significant savings on waste disposal.

4. Asbestos: A Hidden Danger

Asbestos remains one of the greatest health hazards in the waste management industry. Exposure to asbestos fibres can lead to serious respiratory diseases and cancer. It's vital to have strict protocols in place for identifying and handling asbestos-containing materials. 

Ensure that your staff are trained to recognise potential asbestos-containing waste and that you have the necessary equipment and procedures to handle it safely. Always work with licensed asbestos removal specialists like our certified team, who guarantee safe, thorough removal. Contact us today for expert asbestos-handling and peace of mind.

5. Improper Management of Expired Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste that has expired or degraded over time becomes even more dangerous. Chemicals may destabilise, increasing the risk of reactions, leaks or emissions. Establish a clear inventory management system to track the age and condition of hazardous waste in your care and regularly check stored materials, prioritising the disposal of expired items. Work with specialists, to ensure that expired hazardous waste is handled and disposed of safely and in compliance with regulations. Research labs, hospitals, and universities are particularly vulnerable to have these types of issues. 

By following these 5 simple precautions, you can significantly reduce risks to their employees, the public, and the environment. At Commercial Waste Services, we’re committed to promoting safe and responsible waste management practices throughout Westminster and beyond. Remember, a safe workplace is a productive workplace. By addressing these hazards, you're not only protecting your staff and our staff but also enhancing your business's efficiency and reputation.

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